Type alias AssetControllerIdlTypes
AssetControllerIdlTypes: {
accounts: [{
discriminator: [70, 136, 149, 138, 12, 87, 52, 105];
name: "assetControllerAccount";
address: "acpcFrzEYKjVLvZGWueTV8vyDjhu3oKC7sN38QELLan";
errors: [{
code: 6000;
msg: "Transfer hasnt been approved for the asset mint";
name: "transferMintNotApproved";
}, {
code: 6001;
msg: "Transfer hasnt been approved for from account";
name: "transferFromNotApproved";
}, {
code: 6002;
msg: "Transfer hasnt been approved for to account";
name: "transferToNotApproved";
}, {
code: 6003;
msg: "Transfer hasnt been approved for the specified amount";
name: "transferAmountNotApproved";
}, {
code: 6004;
msg: "Invalid policy account passed";
name: "invalidPolicyAccount";
}, {
code: 6005;
msg: "Invalid slot for approve account";
name: "transferSlotNotApproved";
}, {
code: 6006;
msg: "Transfer history is full";
name: "transferHistoryFull";
}, {
code: 6007;
msg: "unauthorized";
name: "unauthorized";
}, {
code: 6008;
msg: "Pda passed in for transfer is wrong";
name: "invalidPdaPassedIn";
events: [{
discriminator: [90, 19, 200, 229, 103, 82, 218, 16];
name: "assetMetadataEvent";
}, {
discriminator: [22, 198, 253, 69, 234, 122, 248, 117];
name: "extensionMetadataEvent";
instructions: [{
accounts: [{
name: "owner";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
pda: {
program: {
kind: "const";
value: [140, 151, 37, 143, 78, 36, 137, 241, 187, 61, 16, 41, 20, 142, 13, 131, 11, 90, 19, 153, 218, 255, 16, 132, 4, 142, 123, 216, 219, 233, 248, 89];
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "owner";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "tokenProgram";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
args: [{
name: "amount";
type: "u64";
discriminator: [76, 15, 51, 254, 229, 215, 121, 66];
docs: ["burn shares of the rwa asset"];
name: "burnTokens";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
args: [];
discriminator: [14, 121, 72, 246, 96, 224, 42, 162];
docs: ["close mint account"];
name: "closeMintAccount";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "payer";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "owner";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
pda: {
program: {
kind: "const";
value: [140, 151, 37, 143, 78, 36, 137, 241, 187, 61, 16, 41, 20, 142, 13, 131, 11, 90, 19, 153, 218, 255, 16, 132, 4, 142, 123, 216, 219, 233, 248, 89];
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "owner";
}, {
kind: "const";
value: [6, 221, 246, 225, 215, 101, 161, 147, 217, 203, 225, 70, 206, 235, 121, 172, 28, 180, 133, 237, 95, 91, 55, 145, 58, 140, 245, 133, 126, 255, 0, 169];
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
address: "ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL";
name: "associatedTokenProgram";
args: [];
discriminator: [132, 172, 24, 60, 100, 156, 135, 97];
docs: ["close a token account"];
name: "closeTokenAccount";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "payer";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "authority";
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "extraMetasAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "policyEngineAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "identityRegistryAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "dataRegistryAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "po1cPf1eyUJJPqULw4so3T4JU9pdFn83CDyuLEKFAau";
name: "policyEngine";
}, {
address: "idtynCMYbdisCTv4FrCWPSQboZb1uM4TV2cPi79yxQf";
name: "identityRegistry";
}, {
address: "dataeP5X1e7XsWN1ovDSEDP5cqaEUnKBmHE5iZhXPVw";
name: "dataRegistry";
}, {
address: "11111111111111111111111111111111";
name: "systemProgram";
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
name: "eventAuthority";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "const";
value: [95, 95, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 95, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121];
}, {
name: "program";
args: [{
name: "args";
type: {
defined: {
name: "createAssetControllerArgs";
discriminator: [97, 185, 6, 250, 248, 242, 68, 105];
docs: ["create an rwa asset"];
name: "createAssetController";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "owner";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
name: "eventAuthority";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "const";
value: [95, 95, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 95, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121];
}, {
name: "program";
args: [];
discriminator: [68, 156, 197, 9, 43, 91, 114, 19];
docs: ["memo transfer disable"];
name: "disableMemoTransfer";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "payer";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "owner";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
pda: {
program: {
kind: "const";
value: [140, 151, 37, 143, 78, 36, 137, 241, 187, 61, 16, 41, 20, 142, 13, 131, 11, 90, 19, 153, 218, 255, 16, 132, 4, 142, 123, 216, 219, 233, 248, 89];
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "owner";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "tokenProgram";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
address: "ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL";
name: "associatedTokenProgram";
}, {
address: "11111111111111111111111111111111";
name: "systemProgram";
}, {
name: "eventAuthority";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "const";
value: [95, 95, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 95, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121];
}, {
name: "program";
args: [];
discriminator: [186, 78, 97, 172, 71, 172, 99, 0];
docs: ["memo transfer enable"];
name: "enableMemoTransfer";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
args: [];
discriminator: [138, 168, 178, 109, 205, 224, 209, 93];
docs: ["freeze token account"];
name: "freezeTokenAccount";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "to";
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
pda: {
program: {
kind: "const";
value: [140, 151, 37, 143, 78, 36, 137, 241, 187, 61, 16, 41, 20, 142, 13, 131, 11, 90, 19, 153, 218, 255, 16, 132, 4, 142, 123, 216, 219, 233, 248, 89];
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "to";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "tokenProgram";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
address: "ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL";
name: "associatedTokenProgram";
}, {
address: "11111111111111111111111111111111";
name: "systemProgram";
args: [{
name: "amount";
type: "u64";
discriminator: [40, 207, 145, 106, 249, 54, 23, 179];
docs: ["issue shares of the rwa asset"];
name: "issueTokens";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "authorityTokenAccount";
pda: {
program: {
kind: "const";
value: [140, 151, 37, 143, 78, 36, 137, 241, 187, 61, 16, 41, 20, 142, 13, 131, 11, 90, 19, 153, 218, 255, 16, 132, 4, 142, 123, 216, 219, 233, 248, 89];
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetController";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "tokenProgram";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "revokeTokenAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
address: "ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL";
name: "associatedTokenProgram";
}, {
address: "11111111111111111111111111111111";
name: "systemProgram";
args: [{
name: "amount";
type: "u64";
discriminator: [215, 42, 15, 134, 173, 80, 33, 21];
docs: ["revoke shares of the rwa asset"];
name: "revokeTokens";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
args: [];
discriminator: [199, 172, 96, 93, 244, 252, 137, 171];
docs: ["thaw token account"];
name: "thawTokenAccount";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
name: "eventAuthority";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "const";
value: [95, 95, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 95, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121];
}, {
name: "program";
args: [{
name: "rate";
type: "i16";
discriminator: [29, 174, 109, 163, 227, 75, 2, 144];
docs: ["interest bearing mint rate update"];
name: "updateInterestBearingMintRate";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "payer";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "authority";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
address: "11111111111111111111111111111111";
name: "systemProgram";
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
name: "eventAuthority";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "const";
value: [95, 95, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 95, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121];
}, {
name: "program";
args: [{
name: "args";
type: {
defined: {
name: "updateAssetMetadataArgs";
discriminator: [170, 182, 43, 239, 97, 78, 225, 186];
docs: ["edit metadata of the rwa asset"];
name: "updateMetadata";
metadata: {
description: "The Asset Controller Program (ACP) enables core asset management functionality for newly issued assets, including transfer controls and transaction privacy.";
name: "assetController";
spec: "0.1.0";
version: "0.0.1";
types: [{
name: "assetControllerAccount";
type: {
fields: [{
name: "version";
type: "u8";
}, {
docs: ["mint pubkey"];
name: "assetMint";
type: "pubkey";
}, {
docs: ["authority has the ability to change delegate, freeze token accounts, etc."];
name: "authority";
type: "pubkey";
}, {
docs: ["delegate has the ability to generate tranasction approval accounts,", "by default points to self, which allows any programs to generate an approval account", "update to any other account to control cpis"];
name: "delegate";
type: "pubkey";
kind: "struct";
}, {
name: "assetMetadataEvent";
type: {
fields: [{
name: "mint";
type: "string";
}, {
name: "name";
type: {
option: "string";
}, {
name: "symbol";
type: {
option: "string";
}, {
name: "uri";
type: {
option: "string";
}, {
name: "decimals";
type: {
option: "u8";
kind: "struct";
}, {
name: "createAssetControllerArgs";
type: {
fields: [{
name: "decimals";
type: "u8";
}, {
name: "name";
type: "string";
}, {
name: "symbol";
type: "string";
}, {
name: "uri";
type: "string";
}, {
name: "delegate";
type: {
option: "pubkey";
}, {
name: "interestRate";
type: {
option: "i16";
kind: "struct";
}, {
name: "extensionMetadataEvent";
type: {
fields: [{
name: "address";
type: "string";
}, {
name: "extensionType";
type: "u8";
}, {
name: "metadata";
type: "bytes";
kind: "struct";
}, {
name: "updateAssetMetadataArgs";
type: {
fields: [{
name: "name";
type: {
option: "string";
}, {
name: "symbol";
type: {
option: "string";
}, {
name: "uri";
type: {
option: "string";
kind: "struct";
Type declaration
accounts: [{
discriminator: [70, 136, 149, 138, 12, 87, 52, 105];
name: "assetControllerAccount";
address: "acpcFrzEYKjVLvZGWueTV8vyDjhu3oKC7sN38QELLan"
errors: [{
code: 6000;
msg: "Transfer hasnt been approved for the asset mint";
name: "transferMintNotApproved";
}, {
code: 6001;
msg: "Transfer hasnt been approved for from account";
name: "transferFromNotApproved";
}, {
code: 6002;
msg: "Transfer hasnt been approved for to account";
name: "transferToNotApproved";
}, {
code: 6003;
msg: "Transfer hasnt been approved for the specified amount";
name: "transferAmountNotApproved";
}, {
code: 6004;
msg: "Invalid policy account passed";
name: "invalidPolicyAccount";
}, {
code: 6005;
msg: "Invalid slot for approve account";
name: "transferSlotNotApproved";
}, {
code: 6006;
msg: "Transfer history is full";
name: "transferHistoryFull";
}, {
code: 6007;
msg: "unauthorized";
name: "unauthorized";
}, {
code: 6008;
msg: "Pda passed in for transfer is wrong";
name: "invalidPdaPassedIn";
events: [{
discriminator: [90, 19, 200, 229, 103, 82, 218, 16];
name: "assetMetadataEvent";
}, {
discriminator: [22, 198, 253, 69, 234, 122, 248, 117];
name: "extensionMetadataEvent";
instructions: [{
accounts: [{
name: "owner";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
pda: {
program: {
kind: "const";
value: [140, 151, 37, 143, 78, 36, 137, 241, 187, 61, 16, 41, 20, 142, 13, 131, 11, 90, 19, 153, 218, 255, 16, 132, 4, 142, 123, 216, 219, 233, 248, 89];
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "owner";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "tokenProgram";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
args: [{
name: "amount";
type: "u64";
discriminator: [76, 15, 51, 254, 229, 215, 121, 66];
docs: ["burn shares of the rwa asset"];
name: "burnTokens";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
args: [];
discriminator: [14, 121, 72, 246, 96, 224, 42, 162];
docs: ["close mint account"];
name: "closeMintAccount";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "payer";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "owner";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
pda: {
program: {
kind: "const";
value: [140, 151, 37, 143, 78, 36, 137, 241, 187, 61, 16, 41, 20, 142, 13, 131, 11, 90, 19, 153, 218, 255, 16, 132, 4, 142, 123, 216, 219, 233, 248, 89];
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "owner";
}, {
kind: "const";
value: [6, 221, 246, 225, 215, 101, 161, 147, 217, 203, 225, 70, 206, 235, 121, 172, 28, 180, 133, 237, 95, 91, 55, 145, 58, 140, 245, 133, 126, 255, 0, 169];
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
address: "ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL";
name: "associatedTokenProgram";
args: [];
discriminator: [132, 172, 24, 60, 100, 156, 135, 97];
docs: ["close a token account"];
name: "closeTokenAccount";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "payer";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "authority";
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "extraMetasAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "policyEngineAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "identityRegistryAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "dataRegistryAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "po1cPf1eyUJJPqULw4so3T4JU9pdFn83CDyuLEKFAau";
name: "policyEngine";
}, {
address: "idtynCMYbdisCTv4FrCWPSQboZb1uM4TV2cPi79yxQf";
name: "identityRegistry";
}, {
address: "dataeP5X1e7XsWN1ovDSEDP5cqaEUnKBmHE5iZhXPVw";
name: "dataRegistry";
}, {
address: "11111111111111111111111111111111";
name: "systemProgram";
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
name: "eventAuthority";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "const";
value: [95, 95, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 95, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121];
}, {
name: "program";
args: [{
name: "args";
type: {
defined: {
name: "createAssetControllerArgs";
discriminator: [97, 185, 6, 250, 248, 242, 68, 105];
docs: ["create an rwa asset"];
name: "createAssetController";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "owner";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
name: "eventAuthority";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "const";
value: [95, 95, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 95, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121];
}, {
name: "program";
args: [];
discriminator: [68, 156, 197, 9, 43, 91, 114, 19];
docs: ["memo transfer disable"];
name: "disableMemoTransfer";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "payer";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "owner";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
pda: {
program: {
kind: "const";
value: [140, 151, 37, 143, 78, 36, 137, 241, 187, 61, 16, 41, 20, 142, 13, 131, 11, 90, 19, 153, 218, 255, 16, 132, 4, 142, 123, 216, 219, 233, 248, 89];
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "owner";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "tokenProgram";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
address: "ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL";
name: "associatedTokenProgram";
}, {
address: "11111111111111111111111111111111";
name: "systemProgram";
}, {
name: "eventAuthority";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "const";
value: [95, 95, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 95, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121];
}, {
name: "program";
args: [];
discriminator: [186, 78, 97, 172, 71, 172, 99, 0];
docs: ["memo transfer enable"];
name: "enableMemoTransfer";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
args: [];
discriminator: [138, 168, 178, 109, 205, 224, 209, 93];
docs: ["freeze token account"];
name: "freezeTokenAccount";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "to";
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
pda: {
program: {
kind: "const";
value: [140, 151, 37, 143, 78, 36, 137, 241, 187, 61, 16, 41, 20, 142, 13, 131, 11, 90, 19, 153, 218, 255, 16, 132, 4, 142, 123, 216, 219, 233, 248, 89];
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "to";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "tokenProgram";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
address: "ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL";
name: "associatedTokenProgram";
}, {
address: "11111111111111111111111111111111";
name: "systemProgram";
args: [{
name: "amount";
type: "u64";
discriminator: [40, 207, 145, 106, 249, 54, 23, 179];
docs: ["issue shares of the rwa asset"];
name: "issueTokens";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "authorityTokenAccount";
pda: {
program: {
kind: "const";
value: [140, 151, 37, 143, 78, 36, 137, 241, 187, 61, 16, 41, 20, 142, 13, 131, 11, 90, 19, 153, 218, 255, 16, 132, 4, 142, 123, 216, 219, 233, 248, 89];
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetController";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "tokenProgram";
}, {
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "revokeTokenAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
address: "ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL";
name: "associatedTokenProgram";
}, {
address: "11111111111111111111111111111111";
name: "systemProgram";
args: [{
name: "amount";
type: "u64";
discriminator: [215, 42, 15, 134, 173, 80, 33, 21];
docs: ["revoke shares of the rwa asset"];
name: "revokeTokens";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
name: "tokenAccount";
writable: true;
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
args: [];
discriminator: [199, 172, 96, 93, 244, 252, 137, 171];
docs: ["thaw token account"];
name: "thawTokenAccount";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "authority";
signer: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
name: "eventAuthority";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "const";
value: [95, 95, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 95, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121];
}, {
name: "program";
args: [{
name: "rate";
type: "i16";
discriminator: [29, 174, 109, 163, 227, 75, 2, 144];
docs: ["interest bearing mint rate update"];
name: "updateInterestBearingMintRate";
}, {
accounts: [{
name: "payer";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "authority";
signer: true;
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetMint";
writable: true;
}, {
name: "assetController";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "account";
path: "assetMint";
}, {
address: "11111111111111111111111111111111";
name: "systemProgram";
}, {
address: "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb";
name: "tokenProgram";
}, {
name: "eventAuthority";
pda: {
seeds: [{
kind: "const";
value: [95, 95, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 95, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121];
}, {
name: "program";
args: [{
name: "args";
type: {
defined: {
name: "updateAssetMetadataArgs";
discriminator: [170, 182, 43, 239, 97, 78, 225, 186];
docs: ["edit metadata of the rwa asset"];
name: "updateMetadata";
metadata: {
description: "The Asset Controller Program (ACP) enables core asset management functionality for newly issued assets, including transfer controls and transaction privacy.";
name: "assetController";
spec: "0.1.0";
version: "0.0.1";
description: "The Asset Controller Program (ACP) enables core asset management functionality for newly issued assets, including transfer controls and transaction privacy."
name: "assetController"
spec: "0.1.0"
version: "0.0.1"
types: [{
name: "assetControllerAccount";
type: {
fields: [{
name: "version";
type: "u8";
}, {
docs: ["mint pubkey"];
name: "assetMint";
type: "pubkey";
}, {
docs: ["authority has the ability to change delegate, freeze token accounts, etc."];
name: "authority";
type: "pubkey";
}, {
docs: ["delegate has the ability to generate tranasction approval accounts,", "by default points to self, which allows any programs to generate an approval account", "update to any other account to control cpis"];
name: "delegate";
type: "pubkey";
kind: "struct";
}, {
name: "assetMetadataEvent";
type: {
fields: [{
name: "mint";
type: "string";
}, {
name: "name";
type: {
option: "string";
}, {
name: "symbol";
type: {
option: "string";
}, {
name: "uri";
type: {
option: "string";
}, {
name: "decimals";
type: {
option: "u8";
kind: "struct";
}, {
name: "createAssetControllerArgs";
type: {
fields: [{
name: "decimals";
type: "u8";
}, {
name: "name";
type: "string";
}, {
name: "symbol";
type: "string";
}, {
name: "uri";
type: "string";
}, {
name: "delegate";
type: {
option: "pubkey";
}, {
name: "interestRate";
type: {
option: "i16";
kind: "struct";
}, {
name: "extensionMetadataEvent";
type: {
fields: [{
name: "address";
type: "string";
}, {
name: "extensionType";
type: "u8";
}, {
name: "metadata";
type: "bytes";
kind: "struct";
}, {
name: "updateAssetMetadataArgs";
type: {
fields: [{
name: "name";
type: {
option: "string";
}, {
name: "symbol";
type: {
option: "string";
}, {
name: "uri";
type: {
option: "string";
kind: "struct";
Program IDL in camelCase format in order to be used in JS/TS.
Note that this is only a type helper and is not the actual IDL. The original IDL can be found at